Eyes are frequently the first place one will notice signs of aging. Dr. Roche is a noted surgeon in the Detroit, Michigan area for eyelid surgery. In contrast to bright, young eyes, stress and premature aging can cause the skin around the eyes to sag or puff up giving a person the appearance of tiredness or ill health. A simple technique known as a laser blepharoplasty is an eyelid surgery that can remove bags or sagging skin above and below the eyes.
FAT BAGS! Disgusting! Ugh! Nor anymore! Dr. Roche did a magnificent job removing my fat bags from under my eyes. People constantly come up to me and ask me if I’ve been on vacation and that look so well rested. Many say I look 10 to 15 years younger. Dr. Roche did a great job and his consultations before and the post operative follow through was second to none. I thought about doing the surgery for years and it took by meeting Dr. Roche to convince me the time was right and he was the right doctor. I recommend Dr. Roche to anyone when it comes to this procedure.
Mort Meisner
Blepharoplasty is the surgical removal of excess pads of fat under the eyes or excess tissue over the eyelids which accumulates as part of the aging process. While blepharoplasty is usually performed in addition to a face lift and a endoscopic brow lift, the procedure itself does a great deal to rejuvenate the face. Often carried out under a twilight anesthetic, patients are discharged on the same day.
There are few features as hereditary as the appearance of the eyes. Often, men and women as young as 20 and 30 are in need of eye lid surgery to rewind hereditary and stress-related elements. Sad, tired, sagging eyes can make a person look older or angry just with their natural expression. Utilizing the CO2 laser scalpel, Dr. Roche has developed a procedure which dramatically reduces the bruising and swelling following eyelid surgery and restore an appropriate, youthful look.
Laser blepharoplasty and skin resurfacing has revolutionized aesthetic surgery of the eyelids and face. This exciting advance in technology allows for superior cosmetic results in both upper and lower eyelid surgery. As the laser scalpel seals blood vessels as it touches them, there is less bleeding, swelling, and bruising than with conventional “cold steel” surgery. This provides enhanced visibility for Dr. Roche as he works, allowing a more precise and rapid surgery. With significantly less postoperative swelling, recovery is generally swift and overall patient satisfaction outstanding.
Adjunctive resurfacing of the lower eyelids at the time of lower lid blepharoplasty results in a no-scar incision and erases the wrinkles from the lower eyelids, further improving the results and patient satisfaction.
Facetite, Necktite, Fat Transfer, 3 point chin lipo, and upper and lower blepharoplasty (front view)
We promise to bring out your “most rested you” with cutting edge treatments and technologies. Dr. Roche is a Triple Board Certified cosmetic surgeon in Michigan, providing treatments in our very own Accredited Surgical Center! Make your appointment today and see how easy it is to bring out your very best features.