What is liposuction?
Liposuction is most often done on the stomach, buttock, thighs, arms, back, and chin. It involves breaking down the fat in the body and removing it through suction. The procedure is often performed to remove small pouches of fat to give contour and shape to the areas of the body where it is removed. It is also often used to remove fat from areas that are difficult to lose it through dieting and exercise. The procedure is relatively common with few complications and minimal recovery time.
Can the fat return after the procedure has been completed?
After the procedure, it can take several weeks for swelling to go down and prevent the results from being apparent for a couple of months. Liposuction is not a weight loss solution, and it is important to maintain your new weight after the procedure has been completed. This can be done by maintaining a balanced and healthy diet with the calorie requirements to maintain your post liposuction weight and exercising to maintain toning.
Weight can and will return after liposuction if you fail to exercise or eat the appropriate calorie intake. The difference with weight gain after liposuction is that there is a good chance that your weight distribution will change. If you had previously gained weight on our hips and that is where you had the liposuction, you may begin to put weight on in your abdomen. It is important to remember that calories not burned or processed will end up being stored as fat. Even though it will not always return to the area where you had the liposuction procedure, it will store, that is why it is important to maintain your weight after the procedure to prevent undoing the results.
While liposuction is an excellent way to fight stubborn fat in areas where it is hard to lose, it should not be used as strictly a weight loss method. Before spending the money on a liposuction procedure, you should already have a solid diet and exercise plan in place to keep the fat off.
If you’re interested in having liposuction, contact the team at Dr. Gregory Roche today. We can help you with any cosmetic surgery needs, from breast implants to Botox, we are dedicated to making women look and feel their best.