What Is The Recovery Period After A Breast Augmentation?

Time Frame

With any surgery, it’s important to know that it takes some time to heal. The first few days are generally the most painful, getting lots of rest, taking the prescribed medications, and keeping hydrated is the best way to power through the discomfort. Women usually will take off one to two weeks to recover before heading back to work. During these two weeks, it’s crucial that movement should be restricted, such as bending or lifting your arms above your head. It’s also recommended that an underwire bra should not be worn for at least 4-6 weeks. Lastly, for about 6 weeks, there should be no strenuous activity giving your body time to heal properly. If you beginning to have severe pain that lasts more than a week, it’s important to contact your doctor immediately.

Several weeks after the surgery, a compression garment (or surgical bra) should be worn to support the new tissues in their new positions. During your recovery, your new breast tissue isn’t strong enough and the skin isn’t used to holding the heaviness of the implants. A compression garment can help control the swelling, reduce soreness, and ensures the best results.

It’s important to keep an open line of communication with your doctor and discuss if you’re having any unusual pain or discomfort during your recovery time. Because each patient and doctor are different, you should talk to your doctor about what recovery process is good for you and your needs.

If you’re interested in having a breast augmentation, contact the team at Dr. Gregory Roche today. We can help you with any cosmetic surgery needs, from hormone replacement therapy to Botox, we are dedicated to making women look and feel their best.